“The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway. ”
We’re Featuring YOUR Living Landscapes, Right Here
Whether you have a few foot patio, or many acres outside your door at home (or your work, your school, your church, your park system, your office) the invitation for You is the same: use native plants to invite the wildlife into your world. We aim to introduce people to native plants (often for the first time), and the connections between the plants, the birds, bees, insects and animals.
A heightened care about ecology can extend over a lifetime.. We hope you’ll create your own living landscape wherever you are now, and wherever you go in life, no matter what amount land you have influence over. We’re happy to consult about the habitat you’re looking to create now, and celebrate your journey in building a living landscape.
SEND US YOUR GARDEN photos & notes on what you’ve planted & learned - what’s working? challenges? what’s next?
ASK A GARDENER Questions about plants, habitat, wildlife, etc? Send them and we’ll get some answers from our team.
Kensington Phila Rowhouse Backyard
Where: Our Backyard in Kensington, Philadelphia When: Mid-summer
What Plants: Monarda (Beebalm), Phlox, Columbine, and Golden Groundsel (Ragwort not to be confused with Ragweed).
Any Visitors: (birds/bees/butterflies etc): Monarchs, Lots of Moths, All sorts of Bees
Where Is Your Inspiration Coming From: Bowman’s Preserve, Doug Tallamy, Emerald Wildflower Garden, Redbud Nursery, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
What’s Next: More Plants! PawPaw?! Hoping a snake will make a home here. Our son Henry would love that.
Kensington Phila Rowhouse Backyard
Where: We live in East Kensington, Philadelphia
When: Summer
What Plants: So far - Geranium, Swamp Milkweed, New England Aster, Mountain Mint, WIld Bergamot, Phlox
Any Visitors: Monarchs, Swallowtail Butterflies, Bees, Many BIrds
Where Is Your Inspiration Coming From: Good Host Plants, Emerald Wildflower Garden, Doug Tallamy’s Bringing Nature Home. Our first copy of Tallamy’s book was given to us at the EWG. Like many people, hooked even since that read. Love his youtube videos too.
What’s Next: Expand the garden to the house next door and over to the Collins, Smith Playgarden, create neighborhood pollinator corridors