How do you press a wildflower into the pages of an e-book? -Lewis Buzbee
Garden Volunteers and Members: 10% off all book purchases through our local biblioheroes: The Head & The Hand Bookstore.
✳︎ 2230 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown/Kensington ✳︎
Garden Volunteers and Members: 10% off all book purchases through our local biblioheroes: The Head & The Hand Bookstore. ✳︎ 2230 Frankford Avenue in Fishtown/Kensington ✳︎

EWG LIBRARY - All Titles here are available to order through our local community bookstore, The Head & The Hand, here in Fishtown/Kensington Phila. Garden Volunteers and Members will receive 10% of all orders off these and other books from H&H. Repairing ecology and economy go hand in hand. Shop Local !
We are very not-Amazon over here in our book display! If you have a favorite book - please send us a photo - surrounded by your coffee cups, oranges, lounging cats, and plants!
The Magic of Children's Gardens
by Lolly Tai
Garden Revolution
Larry Weaner & Thomas Christopher
Nature's Best Hope
by Douglas Tallamy, 2019
The Humane Gardener
by Nancy Lawson, 2017
Engage, Connect, Protect
Angelou Ezeilo with NIck Chiles
A New Garden Ethic
Benjamin Vogt
Planting In A Post-Wild World
Thomas Rainer & Claudia West
Mistaken Identities - Invasive Plants and Their Native Look-Alikes
Matthew Sarver
Peter and the Tree Children
Peter Wohlleben & Cale Atkinson
The Lving Landscape
Rick Darke & Doug Tallamy
The Seedling (that didn't want to grow)
Britta Teckentrup
Paradise Lot
Eric Toensmeier